Neil's Tribute Fund

Created by Margo & JJ 16 years ago
Welcome to your Fund in tribute to Neil Price. We have created this page to help raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. In December 2006 Neil's uncle, Joe Nesdale died of MND in Cork and on hearing just how short of money the Association was, particularly in the Irish Republic, Neil said that he would run his next London Marathon for MND. Sadly his death in Choroni, Venezuela on 10 March 2007 means he will never run that marathon but in his memory and honour this Tribute Fund has been created to allow those who might have sponsored him and others who cherish his memory to donate to his chosen charity. Your personal donation can be made online or you might even wish to help raise money for his Tribute Fund by creating an online sponsorship page to mark a special event or occasion. It was our intention to split any money raised here between the UK and the Republic of Ireland but for legal reasons that has proved not to be possible. If you would like your donation to go to the Irish MND Association then log on to: and donate to them direct. If you decide to do that do please sign the guest book here so that we and Neil's other friends might know. All money raised on these pages will be earmarked as being donations made via this Tribute Fund when they reach Motor Neurone Disease Association. Simply choose one of the links above to see what you can do. If you like, please sign the guest book and also perhaps tell other people about this Tribute Fund. Kindest regards and God bless, Margo & JJ Price